Building the Backlist on a Budget

The writing is pure creative flow state fun. Even during times when the words don’t seem to fall onto the page by themselves, I still enjoy the process. The only cost in the writing process was my time. That is valuable and precious, but also something I am more than willing to give to something I love. What I did not anticipate were the costs involved in publishing and marketing a book. I had no idea getting into this that I would be spending money to make my book happen. How much money you might ask?

In full transparency, costs directly related to this book (editing, cover design, draft printing, ISBN purchase) amounted to about $1700. Then there are indirect costs that are related, but not tied specifically to this book (e.g., domain name purchases, computer software, printing costs, ISBN purchases, membership fees, etc.). Those ran me about $1000. So, I would need to make $2700 to break even on cash outflows. That equates to selling about 700 paperback copies of my book. I was already way over budget, and so upon publishing, I did not have any money to spend on marketing. Hence the conundrum. How to sell that many copies of my book without a marketing budget?

I welcome your advice on how to do this!

This is why I am so hesitant to commit to book two. But sometimes you cannot stop momentum. And so….book two is underway. I will have to figure out how to pay for all of the necessary publishing items on a much tighter budget this time around. I know I can do this. I believe in me. I am only about 4000 words into book two, but it is already significantly better than my first book in so many ways.

Book Two will be Clara’s story. If you have read Chemical Signals, then you know Clara. It is her time to shine. Hint: Africa.

Wish me luck and if you know of any literary benefactors that want to support a small indie writer on her second book…you know where to find me!

Thanks for all of your support and I hope you will continue to follow me in this writing journey!