Write a thriller in lieu of your mid-life crisis…

Never in a million years did I think I would write a suspense-full novel. Don’t get me wrong, I have always enjoyed reading them. Brown, Baldacci, Christie, Clark, Patterson and the list continues.

Suspense writing came naturally to me. I wrote like I read. Always having to resolve the plot thread before stopping. There were times when I had no idea what was going to happen next and so I just kept writing. Those were some really late nights.

At first I thought writing this book might have been my version of a mid-life crisis. That I threw myself in so completely to unexpectedly become a writer in the genre I have loved so much for so many decades. There is that cliché’ of a saying, if you do what you love, it’s not work. Well, it is a good thing I have figured out that I love writing, and writing thrillers.

I’m glad I found writing instead of buying a car I would just scratch within the first hour, or even worse, cutting bangs! And I am learning, turns out it was not a mid-life crisis at all. It was just the creative outlet my soul needed to really bring me fully into who I am able to be.